Merced Coalitions Hold Press Conference for Affordable Housing

June 3, 2022 /

On May 16, residents of Merced, young people, and community leaders held a press conference advocate for a local affordable housing trust fund prior to a city council meeting. The local affordable housing trust fund would be to fund programs such as tenant right to counsel, a farmworker housing program, youth guaranteed housing, and a youth wellness center. A rally is scheduled to be held prior to the Jun. 6 budget hearing at 5 p.m. at the Merced Civic Center.

Elyse Gittens addresses the crowd outside Merced Civic Center while two community members stand behind her both holding signs that say "AFFORDABLE HOUSING NOW"

Elyse Gittens addresses the crowd outside Merced Civic Center about homes guarantee.

Jazmin Moreno stands in front of Merced Civic Center, holding a microphone and reading from notes.

Jazmin Moreno tells her housing story and what it’s like to face eviction notices in Merced County.

Three community members stand in front of Merced Civic center holding up signs that say: "affordable housing now," "WE NEED HOMES GUARANTEE," and "209 IT'S TIME"

Community members hold up signs in support of a local affordable housing trust fund.

Adriana is holding up her notes as she reads from it while standing in front of Merced Civic Center.

Adriana tells the crowd outside Merced Civic Center of different demands from young people and what they would like to see helping youth in Merced with the support of a local affordable housing trust fund.

Three community members stand in front of Merced Civic center holding up signs: "209 IT'S TIME," "housing is a human right," and "affordable housing now."

Community members stand in support of affordable housing in Merced.

X stands in front of Merced Civic Center while addressing the crowd.

X relays a story of a friend and stresses the importance of affordable housing in Merced.

Akina Westmoreland stands in front of Merced Civic Center with a mic in hand addressing the crowd in front of her.

We’Ced cohort member Akina Westmoreland tells the crowd why a youth wellness center is important to Merced.

Pangha Vang is holding up a green piece of paper while holding a mic in the other hand to tell the crowd how to submit a public comment request.

Pangcha Vang, MC for the press conference, holds up a green public comment speaker slip, demonstrating to the crowd to fill it out for the city council meeting.

Community members hold up various signs in front of the Merced Civic Center sign.

Many members of the Merced community came out in support of a local affordable housing trust fund.
