Prop 47: Central Valley Youth Weigh In On Incarceration — When is it Appropriate?

October 30, 2014 /

by We’Ced Youth Media & The kNOw Youth Media 

photo: Hannes A Schwetz

Editor’s note: On November 4th, Californians will cast their votes on Proposition 47. The prop, also called The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, would reclassify six non-violent crimes currently charged as felonies — including drug possession and shoplifting — as misdemeanors.

Those currently serving time in prison for these felonies would have their sentences adjusted retroactively, resulting in early releases. Any money saved as a result of reducing the state prison population would be used to fund mental health and drug rehabilitation services, and education programs for at-risk young people.

We’Ced Youth Media and The kNOw Youth Media asked teenagers in Merced and in Fresno, Calfornia: When is incarceration a just punishment? And how should society deal with non-violent offenses and petty crimes?

Elizabeth Arteaga, 17, Merced

My dad actually got locked up when I was 10 years old. My mom told me he was stopped by police because they couldn’t see his license plate on his car. Then some other small offense from his past came up and he got sent to jail for a long time. He was initially sent to Sandy Mush here in Merced before being transferred to a jail in L.A.

A petty offense to me [is] something small like holding drugs, not paying parking fines, lying on taxes or… shoplifting items of low worth. The crimes that deserve incarceration are murder, serious drug offenses, rape and other sex offenses — anything that is harmful to society.

Pengsu, 16, Fresno

When people commit minor crimes it’s often for survival, so society should provide education and chances to get back on their feet. You should be locked up if you murder, or plan to murder. Or when you sexually assault a child, or are a part of a terrorist attack.

Lisbeth Vazquez, 17, Merced

My friend once told me that when he was living in Delhi (a small town in Merced County) a few years ago, he and his family lived in a small house next to a barn… which was part of their rental. One day, the police found some illegal substances in the barn and his dad was sent to jail. It wasn’t even his fault because the owners of the [rental] property had the illegal substances in the barn, and my friend and his family had no clue.

Our society should handle [petty crimes] with fines and classes or therapy, instead of jailing people. The crimes I feel deserve jail are big crimes — murder, rape, dealing large amounts of drugs, terrorism, and major fraud.

Kody Stoebig, 23, Visalia

My uncle has been in and out of prison for most of my life. It might seem unfair, but in his case he repeatedly broke the same laws and his punishment was fitting.

People who commit violent crimes or crimes that endanger the health or well-being of another should be put in prison. Rape and murder should be punished with the harshest sentences. Petty crimes should be handled with fines or community service. These offenders should also take court-appointed classes put on parole.

Peng, 16, Fresno

To get locked up a person must do something violent against someone else.

Donna Lipscomb, 19, Merced

I believe all sex crimes of any type should be punished with incarceration. Also murder, serious gang crimes, domestic abuse and major fraud, should require jail time.

Crimes such as drug possession, petty theft and prostitution should be… dealt with, instead of being pushed away in jail. These crimes are not good, of course, but they are certainly not severe enough to require perpetrators to be sent to prison which ultimately costs our society so much more in money and resources.

Rose Chang, 14, Fresno

I think it is appropriate to lock someone up for using violence against another person, kidnapping, or rape.

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