
Posts by We'Ced:

Learning To Love Myself despite Patriarchy

July 18, 2024 /

My name is Nathen, I was assigned male at birth, I now identify as non-binary. I’ve outgrown many oppressive and ignorant ideologies that were taught to me. Read More

UC Merced Encampment

July 8, 2024 /

As protests break out on the campuses of universities across the country in support of Palestine, local organizers and students come together to make their thoughts known here in local Merced. Read More
Huey Newton with youth

Black History Month Weigh-In 2024

March 8, 2024 /

February is Black History Month. For generations, black communities have been exploited, oppressed, and left to defend themselves with no support. Read More

Blooming in the Face of Adversity

May 31, 2023 /

Hi, my name is Carlos. I am 18 years old and I grew up in Merced, California. Read More

Mother Earth

April 28, 2023 /

Rainy days where the sky sighs at the amazement of one’s beauty. The days where the sun kisses the clouds as it shines down on Mother Earth. Read More

Mido Vince’s Book Review of Skylar Kergil’s Before I Had the Words on: Being a Transgender Young Adult

April 25, 2023 /

Skylar Kergil’s Before I Had the Words on: Being a Transgender Young Adult was a book that my inner child had their eyes on for some time. Read More

MLK Day Weigh In

March 23, 2023 /

In honor of MLK Day, We ‘Ced Youth Media collaborate on a weigh in with their young reporters in answering the following questions: What does MLK represent to you? Read More
The words "Supporting LGBTQ+ youth"

Zine: An Introduction to the Complexities of Queerness

September 21, 2022 /

Queerness is complex! Here's an introduction to what that means.
Lots of laneway homes can be found along Lillooet Street in East Vancouver.

The Need for a Youth Guaranteed Housing Program in Merced

May 13, 2022 /

Young people of Merced weigh in on why a youth guaranteed housing program would be beneficial for the city.

National Poetry Month Weigh In

April 30, 2022 /

Members of the We'Ced cohort wrote poems to celebrate National Poetry Month.