Rejection and Harassment: Life As An LGBT Teen

February 7, 2013 /

There is also abuse and harassment that can happen at home. One time
at home, my mom’s boyfriend 
at the time was over and he is a homophobe. We had gotten in an argument over something and he called me a “fag.” I jumped up as a reaction because of the anger he brought out in me. He jumped up and got in my face. “Hit me, come hit me!” he shouted.
As much as would’ve loved to I told him I couldn’t and started to walk away. Then he sat down sat and made the remark, “ yeah, that’s what I thought.” As furious as I was, I grabbed the closest thing and threw it at his face.

I never thought that violence due to my sexuality would happen at home. According to 19% of gay men and 25% of lesbians report suffering physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation.

As a person part of the LGBT community, I have been through my share of tough situations. When I came out and told my mom I had a girlfriend, she totally flipped. The whole house was awkward, so I would hide in my room. “I don’t tolerate fags,” my mom’s boyfriend would shout as he walked by. I sat there and just listened when my mom came in with her eyes filled with tears. She started to call me disgusting and telling me that she had now lost her daughter and that she disowned me due to my sexuality. Then all hell broke loose: she kicked me out. I didn’t know what to do or where to go.

[pullquote_right]When I came out and told my mom I had a girlfriend, she totally flipped. The whole house was awkward, so I would hide in my room. “I don’t tolerate fags,” my mom’s boyfriend would shout as he walked by. I sat there and just listened when my mom came in with her eyes filled with tears. She started to call me disgusting and telling me that she had now lost her daughter and that she disowned me due to my sexuality. Then all hell broke loose: she kicked me out.[/pullquote_right]

At the time I didn’t even care I was just extremely hurt and shocked that my own mom would do this to me. Was I a monster because I was attracted to the same gender?
Not only have I experienced this but also in a study of 194 gay and lesbian youth, 25% were verbally abused. A study by The National Gay and Lesbian task force says 26% of LGBT youth were kicked out when they came out. Also, 42% of homeless youth identify as gay or lesbian in a PFLAG (parents and friends of lesbians and gays) research.

I started to live with uncle. I couldn’t deal with the thought that my mom didn’t accept me. I then couldn’t accept myself and became suicidal. I thought I was better off dead. I got to the point where I absolutely hated myself and would do anything to harm myself. Eventually, I talked to a staff member at my school and they gave me wise words. I thought long and hard about it and I decided that I would take my mom’s rejection and turn it into a reason to motivate me to become somebody. According to PFLAG research 50% of all gay and lesbian youth report that their parents reject them due to their sexuality.

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