Bullying, It Hurts

December 10, 2013 /

As the fighting between Heather and the other girls continued, Joanna tried to further intervene in her daughter’s bullying by bypassing the school and calling the police directly.

“Every time Heaven got in trouble, the school did not even bother to call me to let me know what was going on. There was no letter, nothing I had to sign. I found out when she came home and told me she got suspended,” said Joanna.

Joanna also said the school started to suspend Heaven for “everything she did.” At one point, Heaven received a 20-day suspension. When Heaven was being considered for expulsion, Joanna said she received no notice from the school, and found out about the expulsion from another parent. Shortly thereafter, Heaven was expelled. Joanna said the administration punished her daughter for being bullied, instead of supporting her.

In about 85 percent of bullying cases, there is no sort of intervention made by teachers and/or administration officials, according to bullyingstatistics.org.

I believe that if someone from the school would have intervened in the case of Heaven’s bullying, maybe she wouldn’t have been expelled and her education would have never been put at risk.

Together we can all make a change and stop bullying. We can stop all the hurting of people who don’t deserve it. We should all be able to be happy at school, not frightened. Solving the bullying problem should start with our role models, like our school officials, who have the power take action.

And for my fellow students, I encourage you to give that weird guy or girl in your class a chance and a voice. They are humans just like everyone else and they feel.


[pullquote_left] In about 85 percent of bullying cases, there is no sort of intervention made by teachers and/or administration officials, according to bullyingstatistics.org. [/pullquote_left]

If you are being bullied, stand up for yourself and speak up. No one has the right to hurt you physically nor emotionally. If you feel like nothing is been done, don’t give up. Find an ally, whether it’s a parent, a teacher or friend, and make sure you make your voice heard.

Bullying isn’t impossible to stop — it just takes education and effort. I hope one day we can all close our eyes for a second and not judge the person next to us by how they look, but instead judge them by who they are. Not their chains or snapbacks or their expensive clothes, but their hearts and souls. We are all unique and beautiful in our own special way.

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