Everything You Need To Know About Applying For DACA

August 25, 2014 /


The DACA application fee is $465. I would recommend saving for your DACA application as soon as possible.

I knew my mom and I couldn’t afford the cost, so I started collecting change in a jar and saving money that my dad gave me here and there. I also started doing yard sales and selling my electronics, but I was still short by about $200.

One day, our family received a visit from my aunt and uncle. They had come up all the way from Los Angeles. My aunt asked if I’d heard of DACA and I immediately told her what I was doing to earn the money to apply. Later on during their visit they went into town to Merced and invited me along. When we drove into the Wells Fargo parking lot, my heart started pumping fast and I wanted to cry. My aunt and uncle withdrew $200 of their money and gave it to me because they saw how important DACA was for me. Seeing my family help me like that was one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced.


Some people hire a lawyer to fill out the application for them but lawyers can be costly. When I asked around lawyers were quoting me $500 for their services. I recommend finding a capable adult to help you fill the application out. My younger brother’s Head Start teacher, Mrs. Arroyo, helped me with my application.

When I met with Mrs. Arroyo, the first thing we did was go onto the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website and print out the application forms. She got us a free consultation with a lawyer and sent me home with the proper documents. I was surprised that I was able to understand every question with no problem. She reviewed my application, we put together all of the identifications, and sent them off as soon as possible. Where you mail the forms depends on which state you live in and you can find that information on the same website that has the

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