Liliana Figueroa-Larios is a queer artist whose works examines the idea of remembrance and how we as a society have purposefully forgotten the intersectional history of women, lesbianism and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. As a result, material and techniques which are deemed nontraditional such sewing and forms of quilting are the cornerstone of her work.
This specific piece highlights a vintage found photo of two women holding hands. Whether the two are friends or lovers is unknown. However, this allow
Instagram: figaroonicreations

Second picture by Spencer Dunham: @sat1va.s1nist3r_
Going to yosemite is a life changing experience, being able to get away from the town, stress, and people . The flora is absolutely breathtaking, walking along the rocks of the falls is extraordinary. The beads of water off the falls hitting your face feels so fresh and the daily stresses just melt away. Spending time in yosmite is another worldly experience and walking along the trails of beauty. The spirit of Yomsite is real and true, I know this because I felt something there that I couldn’t put my finger on but it was speaking to me through the wind and water.