Posts Tagged as "Dreamers"

Our Migrant Story

October 3, 2017 /

We left crumbled governments only to experience what seems like downfall of yet another one, the difference is that we still have a chance to put a stop to the course. Immigrants have greatly contributed to the success of this country since it was founded, and the majority of DACA recipients continue to do so. They've become a scapegoat to hate, just like many other minorities have become in the past. Do not let us be divided.

Undocumented America: What Lies Ahead

June 29, 2016 /

Unresponsive at first, the full impact of the decision settled in and I was devastated. I sat down and watched Univision -- they were interviewing all of the disappointed parents and Dreamers. Seeing their heartbroken faces and frustrations hit me hard. It was another blow for immigration activists. One of many received over the years.