Posts Tagged as "president"

Health Advocates Warn Federal Policies Can Hurt Immigrants’ Health

June 9, 2017 /

Above: Dozens of residents gathered in Winton earlier this year for one of several Know Your Rights events hosted by community groups and immigrant advocates throughout Merced County. Read More

Local faith community call for sanctuary ahead of presidential transition

December 20, 2016 /

Event organizers and demonstrators braved the cold and rain last Thursday to stand outside the Merced County Administration Building, where they shared powerful testimony regarding the impact current sentencing laws have on local communities and families. “Today, we as the faith community are doing what Congress has so far failed to do -- protect our families,” said Irene Armendariz, chair with Faith in the Valley. “As the holidays draw near, our hearts are drawn to those who are kept apart and live in fear.”

Because Trump won say hello

November 10, 2016 /

I won’t be expecting to see any more anti-bullying ads anymore since the biggest bully will be taking control of America in January, 2017.

We’Ced Weighs In: President Obama’s Commutation of 46 Drug Offenders

July 31, 2015 /

President Obama began his campaign for prison reform earlier in the month by commuting the sentences of 46 nonviolent drug offenders. Days later, he visited the El Reno federal prison outside Oklahoma City, the first sitting president ever to visit a federal penitentiary. After his visit, the president described the men he met at El Reno as “young people who made mistakes that aren’t that different from the mistakes I made.” Below, We’Ced youth journalists weigh in on the president’s decision to visit El Reno and his nascent efforts to reform the country’s criminal justice system.