Search Results: claudia gonzalez

Schools Not Prisons makes a powerful stop in Merced

July 25, 2017 /

Above: Nearly 300 residents turned out for the #SchoolsNotPrisons event in downtown Merced earlier this month. Read More

#SchoolsNotPrisons comes to Merced

July 18, 2017 /

Statewide social justice campaign #SchoolsNotPrisons held its first event in Merced, Calif. on July 8, bringing nearly 300 people out in support of dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline.

The Road to Recovery — A Daughter of Addiction

May 1, 2017 /

If you have never experienced addiction, it can be hard to understand what people really go through. It is easy to blame addicts, but no one wakes up one day wanting to be addicted. They face battles everyday. And so to those around them. A study from 2010 shows that over 23.5 million Americans are addicted to drugs and alcohol. But only 1 in 10 Americans receives the treatment they need. And as of 2014, there were only around 14,000 treatment centers nationwide, not enough compared to the size of the problem.

Bullying does not End in High School

March 15, 2017 /

I remember standing in front of half the entire school and saying, “my name is Nathan Lopez and I am gay and I’m against bullying.” The guest speaker stopped me midway and said I was very brave for sharing this and after she said that I remember everyone started applauding and cheering. That day I wanted to make a change, so I stood up for myself. Unfortunately, I’m now 22 and I still deal with bullying. I still see bullying.

We’Ced Weighs In: Anaheim Police Brutality Incident

February 28, 2017 /

By We’Ced Youth Media Image via Claudia Gonzalez   Editor’s Note: Last week, video surfaced of an altercation between an off-duty police officer and a 13-year -old boy in Anaheim. Read More

Embracing My Voting Power

June 29, 2016 /

I was never fond of politics or the government, because I was under the impression that my vote didn’t matter. My grandfather used to tell me conspiracy theories about how every election was rigged. I refused to be part of a corrupt system.

Message to Merced City Council – My Voice Matters

April 27, 2016 /

As leaders of Merced, I held these men to higher standards and expected them to be more respectful towards the community they represent, especially because I am a future voter.

Advocating for Merced’s Youth in D.C.

April 8, 2016 /

Some of the issues we advocated for included health access for undocumented people, immigration reform and youth investment. That last one is critical in Merced, where city leaders seem to have forgotten the youth and have completely underfunded opportunities and resources for them to prosper.

#Lunches4All: Kids Should Not Go Hungry at School

March 3, 2016 /

Last week, I testified at the MCSD Community Forum because I felt I needed to speak up. I wanted to tell the people in charge what their changes are doing to my friends, all the kids at school, and me.

Legal Forum Aids Undocumented Residents in Merced

February 6, 2016 /

The forum, held last Saturday, focused on two key pieces of legislation. The first, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), allows certain undocumented immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two-year work permit and temporary relief from deportation. The second, Prop. 47, reclassifies certain low level, non-violent felony convictions to misdemeanors.