Search Results: claudia gonzalez

Refusing to Remain Silent on Racial Profiling

September 21, 2015 /

If AB 953 passes, it could prevent more parents from having to know the pain Theresa carries. Cops would be held accountable for their actions, and the law would curb racial profiling and patterns of behavior that make police seem like they are above the law.

Local Art Group Beautifies Beachwood

August 17, 2015 /

The Ashby Flea Market had been a prime target for graffiti, often to the expense of the property owners. In an effort to curb the vandalism and property damage, Pastelles and organizers from the Meadowbrook Water Company decided the area would be a suitable location for a mural project. This serves the dual purpose of bringing art into the community while creating an atmosphere that would discourage additional unsanctioned graffiti.

Central Valley Unites to Discuss Environmental Issues

August 1, 2015 /

Echoing statements by the Pope, Medrano pointed to the unbridled capitalism eroding our planet’s health and leaving millions of poor vulnerable to the effects of climate change. “Unless we change our economic system, we cannot care for the most vulnerable people in our communities. They are the ones who are being the most affected by climate change.”

Conference Focuses on Implicit Bias and Social Justice

June 9, 2015 /

Implicit bias refers to ingrained prejudices informed by societal attitudes and stereotypes that affect how we interact with others. The concept has gained increased attention following the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of local police in Missouri, New York and Baltimore.

Merced #Health4All Dialogue Draws Hundreds, But No State Officials

May 16, 2015 /

Over 270 people packed into the May 8 event, representing a diverse array of ethnic communities in the area. Many offered personal testimony about how they had been affected by the exclusion of undocumented immigrants from the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

#MercedToBaltimore: May Day Demonstration Shows Solidarity

May 11, 2015 /

A prayer and final act of solidarity. The group held hands as they shouted Assata Shakur’s famous social justice rallying call: "It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and protect each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains."

Merced’s Fight for #Health4all

April 27, 2015 /

Hundreds of organizers, activists, and advocates rallied last week at the Capitol in a show of support for SB 4, otherwise known as the Health 4 All. The bill, which passed the Senate Health Committee in a unanimous vote last week, would provide health insurance to all Californians, including undocumented residents.

Merced Youth Advocate During State Capitol Visit

April 17, 2015 /

A group of 13 Merced youth, ranging from ages 12 to 24, visited the State Capitol last Tuesday in a trip organized by the Merced Organizing Project (MOP). Their mission was to bring attention to issues plaguing their community such as violence, education and health care.

Redemption Means Forgiveness: Q&A With Paul S. Flores

April 17, 2015 /

Redemption is forgiveness and the second part is actually moving forward and starting to bring the positive things into light. The accountability and responsibility is looking inside your pain. Then the redemption part is when you start taking the lessons from that pain.

50 Years After Chavez, the Struggle for Farmworkers Continues in Merced County

April 13, 2015 /

“I wish they would treat us better, or that we could have more opportunities,” said Gonzalez, who also noted that working in the fields while being a student at Merced College student is challenging. “I’ve been working in the fields since I was in high school, because it is the only way I could make a living.”