Is this the kind of future we want? The Merced Union High School District should have a closer relationship with parents, students and the community. They should let us be involved in the decision-making that will affect our future. They should let us be involved in a real way, a way that makes sense and values our opinions and doesn’t tokenize them. This would help to prevent issues, such as the current one, from happening in the future.
Also let’s not forget that as taxpayers we have a right to know where our tax money is going and thus should have a say in how it should be used.
We need to step up together as a community and a family and let the district board know we are not alone in our grievances and make sure they understand that smart changes have to happen as soon as possible. We cannot sit and watch students struggle and fight for one of the most basic rights that all humans should be granted since birth; the right to an education.