Fernando Almaraz, 17
Even though I was only able to stay and listen to what the whole forum was about and able to hear the keynote speaker, due to it also being my sister’s birthday and my parents wanted me home, I was able to understand some of the problems that they were going to discuss. One of the biggest problems that were talked about was about rejection. I read in the information that was provided as well that many LGBT youth was scared to confess the truth, or come out of the closet, because they are afraid of rejection from their parents, friends, or even family. They also showed the statistics in these cases and it was pretty astonishing to see the numbers. What they encouraged us to do, or at least what I got from it, was that we need to be more open minded and be able to inform our self before we are able to take a huge decision such as rejection.
What astonished me in particular was to see the numbers of the people that were rejected for being LGBT. I don’t exactly remember the number but I do recall that they were high enough to be surprising. What I would suggest is that they should begin the forum at the time it was scheduled to begin. I remember they didn’t start until like 20 minutes after and they kind of rushed things a little to try to get back on schedule.
[pullquote_right]Dr. Ryan’s presentation was very informative, offering many facts to anyone who is unfamiliar with the LGBT community. One fact that caught my eye is when Dr. Ryan explains that people who participated in the research for Family acceptance project (FAP) identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual by the age 13.4. I believe that Merced LGBT youth can be better supported if they host events gearing to people of our community.[/pullquote_right]
Austin Corpuz, 18
I had the pleasure in attending Merced’s very first ever LGBT Forum. During the event, the keynote speaker, Caitlin Ryan, presented her research, facts and statistics she gathered by traveling around California researching LGBT youth. She engaged the audience personally by asking and answering questions. Dr. Ryan asked the audience, what are some reactions by a parent when a teen identifies themselves as a LGBT? One response she received from the audience was the parent asking themselves what did I do wrong.
Dr. Ryan’s presentation was very informative, offering many facts to anyone who is unfamiliar with the LGBT community. One fact that caught my eye is when Dr. Ryan explains that people who participated in the research for Family acceptance project (FAP) identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual by the age 13.4. I believe that Merced LGBT youth can be better supported if they host events gearing to people of our community. There are some people in Merced who are not aware of the LGBT community. The LGBT forum is a good start, and hopefully this event will occur annually. In addition, host other events involving the community to participate with one another.
Deborah Juarez, 17
My favorite part of the LGBT forum was the very beginning of it, when the audience’s voice was included in the discussion. I felt that including the audience was very important because it shows that their say in the issue is equaly as important as anybody else’s. I felt a sense of unity from the community when they shared their thoughts and concerns about the LGBT community.
However I would’ve liked more audience involvement when it was time to answer their questions on how to address a LGBT concern they had with their own children or just a general question about the community. A question that I remember not being fully answered was how should a parent ask their child if she/he is gay. Instead they were told to check a website for that kind of information.
Kalvin Saelee, 17
The LGBT Forum had a few young people, some school representatives, health representatives and a sizeable audience. When you first walked in and got to your table, you got a folder. The folder had the LGBT forum agenda, evaluation form, an information packet and few pieces of paper.
Then it started with Jeremy Jenkins opening and thanking everyone for coming. Tatian Vizcaino-Stewart then explained that we need everyone to be healthy for a healthy community. Then there were speakers like Marrisa Chavez from Merced County and Dr. Caitlin, the keynote speaker. After the guest speakers was a heartwarming video about a gay young man, his unaccepting father and confused mom. There’s ups and down in the video but I thought it was a great representation of some of the ideas of acceptance and tolerance in the forum.