Fonzie’s Road to Recovery: A Daschund With IVDD

September 8, 2014 /

Despite how my own health was declining from lack of rest, I continued the treatment. Not once did I consider the vet’s “humane” suggestion to put Fonzie down. My family, on the other hand, did keep it as an option because they viewed Fonzie’s recovery as impossible. Still, they supported my decision to continue treating him at home.

After the first three days of me treating him, Fonzie was able scoot around using his front legs. By the end of the first week he was standing on all fours but would wobble and sit back down.

At two weeks he was walking again. He would still stumble occasionally but I could see him gaining strength and control of his back legs.

Today he is jumping and running around like his old self again, but the true measure of his recovery is that he is already getting into the trash cans.

Only months ago, a vet had nearly convinced me to kill my dog. I’m glad I didn’t make a decision based on just one practitioners’ prognosis. I’m thrilled that Fonzie recovered so quickly, but I’m furious that a vet could make such a careless diagnosis without informing me of the alternatives. In the end, I am just happy to have my dog by my side standing on his own again.

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