I was impressed with every single youth journalist and reporter that I met at the conference, from the way they spoke, to the samples of their newspapers and podcasts. I’m honored and humbled to be a part of the Golden State’s youth media network.
Overall, the gathering motivated me to continue spreading information and producing content on issues important to me and my community. I will continue to write as I realize the true meaning of the statement, ‘The Pen is Mightier than the sword.’
Allowing any two people who are in love to wed and live the rest of their lives out together is a beautiful thing. It’s about love and togetherness. What it is not is an invitation for an ongoing war of hate between Christians and LGBT allies alike.
Whether you love someone who shares your gender or you love to share the word of Jesus, or even both these things, everyone deserves love and acceptance for who they are.
There’s plenty of queer MCs in the underground. I listen to artists like Cakes Da Killa and Kevin Jz Prodigy, both amazing rappers who happen to be queer. There are countless others like Mykki Blanco, Stose, Chapman, Big Freedia and many more. Maybe if more people reach out and support the LGBT artists who exist below the mainstream, the powers that be will take notice and finally give gay rappers the shine they have earned. Hip-hop is ready for a gay rapper.
The issue is particularly troubling in Merced, which ranks third the state in the number of disconnected youth, or people ages 16-19 who are neither in school or employed. Nearly 12 percent of young people here fit into that category, at exactly the age when young people are desperate for a job or educational path forward.
In the wake of a video showing Columbia, South Carolina’s Officer Ben Fields apparently slamming and dragging a young black student at Spring Valley High School, the role of police officers in our schools has become the focus of nation-wide debate. Though Fields was fired, many are blaming the student for supposedly inciting the attack by not complying with teachers and administrators before Fields was called to the classroom, including Fields’ superior Sheriff Leon Lott who said the student “is responsible for initiating this action.”
We’Ced Youth Media took the incident as an opportunity to look at the issue locally. According to our city website, at the high school level Merced School Resource Officers (SRO’s) are meant to “maintain order on each of the campuses” and “identify ‘at risk’ juveniles and work with them to try to change their behavior.” Here, We’Ced reporters reflect on their experiences with SRO’s in the past and what they feel the role of SRO’s should be in our local schools.
According to a 2012 report by California Attorney General Kamala Harris, ‘The State of Human Trafficking in California,’ from 2010 to 2012, 1, 277 victims of human trafficking were identified statewide. In the Central Valley, the Central Valley Justice Coalitions reported rescuing over 130 victims between 2009 and 2013.
Attending GWU is a privilege, but adapting to a campus life has been a challenge. Working in the nursery, while I was the only college student there, everyone I saw at least looked like me, or like they could be an uncle or even a grandparent. GWU couldn’t be more different. Students here come from all over the world. Nearly 10 percent are international, more than the total number of Latino students enrolled in the entire school. And as far as I know, I am the only student from the Central Valley.
We’Ced youth journalists recently spent time responding to the shooting at Umpqua Community College near Roseburg, Oregon, where nine students were killed and nine injured. The discussion quickly turned to gun policy
While some Republicans like Donald Trump call for mass deportations, the Democratic side has taken much more favorable stances towards immigration reform.
Around 75 people attended the ceremony which included speakers, live performances, food and a silent auction. The Center provides resources and serves as a safe space for LGBTQ youth and allies to gather.