As Mother’s Day weekend closes We ‘Ced reporters reflect on the ways they honor the Mother figures in their lives. Read their responses below.
Rachel Livinal

Rachel Livinal and her mother
I celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom. Over the years it has changed. Most of the time, we get the whole family together and have brunch or breakfast together. This last year, I just handed my mom my present on a day that we were both free. I can make space for relationships that aren’t considered traditional mother figure relationships by celebrating the people I value in my life any day of the year. Of course, these people should be valued just as much as mothers, so I would love to celebrate with them and just let them know why they mean so much to me and what impact they have on my life. We can support folks who struggle on this holiday by letting them know that they are allowed to feel whatever it is they need to feel and acknowledge that they can share if they’d like, but that is not required. I celebrate my mom year around by letting her know that I appreciate her so much. She consistently knows that she is my best friend and someone that I couldn’t live without.

Bri and her mother
Brieanae Foster
One way I have celebrated Mother’s Day over the years and growing up has been going out to eat after presenting any gifts or cards to my mother and other mother figures in my life. This year it was just us two and I treated her to lunch at a restaurant in downtown Vallejo called Good Day Cafe. Aside from eating out or cooking, cards are a tradition in my family because sometimes everyone can’t come together! So a card can make it’s way from anywhere from New Orleans Louisiana to Vallejo to Las Vegas. My mother is a sucker for a hallmark card and special words or phrases. One way to support folks that struggle on this holiday and celebrate Mother figures year round is to show gratitude and listen to their experiences as mothers and how they have navigated through life or their time as a mother or time spent with their mothers. Being open to hearing the good and bad times in an open space for understanding and comfort especially for those who have lost their mothers. For example, listening to my mother’s experience as a mother before I was born with any of my older sisters who are all ten plus years older than me! I send out messages to friends and family that have lost mothers that are full of words of love and light that do not specifically mention their mother. I like to take time to give space for silence as well because sometimes that is the best way to fill the space.
Hannah Sanchez
Personally, my family celebrates Mother’s Day by taking my mom, my grandma, and often my aunt out to eat. They’re given flowers and sometimes other gifts like chocolate. One way I like to support people that struggle during this holiday is by inviting them to join my family’s celebration. I’ve only had people agree a few times, but they seemed really happy when they did join us.
Akina Westmoreland
I celebrate Mother’s Day by getting my mom flowers and chocolates or strawberries. You can make space for relationships that aren’t considered a traditional mother figure by treating whoever is like a mother figure to you or if you only have a dad you can treat him to things he likes for that day. Ways we could support people that struggle with this holiday is by offering our support, love and a shoulder to cry on if needed. I celebrate my mom by getting her things I know she loves or just giving her money, singing to her or write her a letter of how much she means to me and how beautiful she is.