
Posts by We'Ced:

‘Know your Rights’ En Español

January 16, 2016 /

We’Ced En Español presents: Conozca sus Derechos! In an effort to keep our communities safe and informed, We’Ced Youth Media has partnered with local Immigration Attorney Carolina Castañeda to publish a ‘Know your Rights’ guide in Spanish. Read More

We’Ced’s Best of 2015

January 14, 2016 /

Our 'Best of 2015' list is a collection of stories that give us a glimpse of life in Merced through the eyes of our youth journalists and beat reporter. From living with depression to being transgender, solitary confinement and attending school as a 'Dreamer,' here's a look at the top 10 stories that appealed to We'Ced readers.

Why Latino Voters Matter – 5 Reasons to Watch the Hispanic Vote in 2016

January 14, 2016 /

Latinos are at the epicenter of the swirling, unpredictable 2016 presidential campaign. From Donald Trump’s polarizing comments about Mexican immigrants to Hilary Clinton’s recent clumsy attempt to identify with Hispanic grandmothers, Latinos are either being blamed for ruining the country or being courted as voters like never before.

Why Young Latinos in Rural California Support Sanders

January 14, 2016 /

Sanders support for free college tuition holds tremendous promise for communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley. It can offer our youth the choice to attend college, it can offer our current college students the opportunity to dedicate more time to their studies so that one day we can become leaders and keep working toward a better future.

Making Juvenile Hall the Mental Health Provider of Last – Not First – Resort

December 18, 2015 /

According to a new study by the San Francisco-based Young Minds Advocacy Project (YMAP), as many as 70 percent of the kids in California’s juvenile detention centers are in need of mental health care, and most of them are not getting it. Patrick Gardner, YMAP’s founder and one of the report’s authors, says many of these youth would not be in detention in the first place if there were more home and community-based mental health services available.

Expert: Stun-Guns Far From ‘Nonlethal’ Alternative to Bullets

December 14, 2015 /

So my question is, if law enforcement knows ECWs are too risky to use even in very controlled training circumstance, why the heck would they want to use it on unarmed citizens in uncontrolled street situations? The question I would put to [Police Chief ] Greg Suhr is, are you willing to use these on your own officers in controlled settings to show that they’re safe? If he’s telling the truth, he’s going to say, “No, we’re not going to do that.” Bottom line: They’re not safe to use on unarmed people and they’re not safe for police to use against armed suspects.

‘They Call Us Terrorists’ – Muslim Students Bullied in California Schools

December 7, 2015 /

“A repetitive narrative that we found from these students is that they felt like this is what it’s like to be an American Muslim in school. They almost feel defeated. They just feel that there is no way around this, like, having a discussion or bring it up with the teacher is not going to be very effective and that’s what most unfortunate about it, is that they’ve come to just accept it as being normal.”

Latino Artists Motivating Communities to Vote

November 26, 2015 /

Back in June, while announcing his presidential candidacy, Donald Trump made divisive comments regarding Mexican immigrants. He voiced his concerns that the United States had become a “dumping ground for everyone else’s problems” and that Mexico was “bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists.”

Growing Up in a Health Desert

November 26, 2015 /

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act and laws like SB4, which gives undocumented youth in California access to health care through Medical, more Latinos and residents of the Eastern Coachella Valley have gotten insured. But it’s not just about access. Yes, residents here need more and better quality care, but they also need it from doctors who are bilingual and can easily communicate with families so they don’t have to fear their doctor’s visits.

From Tamales to Turkey: Thanksgiving in Two Cultures

November 26, 2015 /

This Thanksgiving, as I eat a plate of turkey and not of tamales, I will bask in the delight of knowing that I’m lucky to have these two special dishes (and cultures) in my life.