
Posts by We'Ced:

 When it comes to Makeup, Color Matters

March 27, 2018 /

    As a hardcore makeup lover and a young woman with fair skin, finding makeup to suit my skin tone has been pretty easy.  Read More

Depression and Anxiety, High Schoolers Share Woes on Accessing Mental Health Care

February 16, 2018 /

Originally produced by YouthWire  Story by Victor Seguin When we think of schools we think of our education and the learning skills of our next generation; however we don’t always think about the mental wellbeing of those in our schools. Read More

What does it mean to be a mentor? Part II

January 22, 2018 /

Above: Cassandra Avitia (right) having fun with a youth member during Pride in the Park 2017.  Read More
Victor Seguin (middle) with his former We 'Ced Youth Media mentor Crystal Rivera (right) and We 'Ced reporter Hannah Esqueda (left) at the Multicultural center in Merced Calif.

What does it mean to be a mentor?

January 19, 2018 /

  In honor of National Mentoring Month, We’Ced sat down with former youth reporter and current mentor Victor Seguin to get his take on what it means to help guide and support young people. Read More

Young Californians Share Their Favorite Holiday Traditions

December 20, 2017 /

Editor’s Note: The holidays are here and young people across the state are celebrating with their families, friends and communities. Read More

Fight the food coma; Stay woke this holiday

November 21, 2017 /

Above: Students and staff hand out free produce at University of California, Merced. Recent studies have shown the campus deals with high rates of food insecurity among its student population, echoing a larger hunger trend within Merced County. Read More

We’ced Reviews Snelling’s Ranch of Horrors

November 16, 2017 /

Above: Snelling’s Ranch of Horrors was almost too spooky for our youth reporters. (Photo by Aaliyah Jensen) By Cassandra Avitia and Aaliyah Jensen SNELLING, Calif.–Snelling’s Read More

For Merced Union, school discipline is an evolving artform

October 27, 2017 /

Over the last decade, school districts throughout the state have begun to reevaluate “black-and-white policies that would discipline students automatically regardless of individual circumstances,” she said. Much of this coincided with the passing of Assembly Bill 1729, which allowed superintendents and principals more discretion to provide alternatives to suspension and expulsion for students, said Mike Richter, associate principal at Golden Valley High School (GVHS) in Merced. Teachers and staff are now encouraged to look at a student’s complete behavioral pattern before determining an appropriate course of action.

Growing pains in Merced’s healthcare scene

October 20, 2017 /

Above: Ciera Coronado of Merced High School prepares to measure the pulse of a fellow student during an equipment training at Merced College. Read More

Our Migrant Story

October 3, 2017 /

We left crumbled governments only to experience what seems like downfall of yet another one, the difference is that we still have a chance to put a stop to the course. Immigrants have greatly contributed to the success of this country since it was founded, and the majority of DACA recipients continue to do so. They've become a scapegoat to hate, just like many other minorities have become in the past. Do not let us be divided.