Posts Tagged as "merced"

For Teens, Jobs Come From Connections

October 30, 2015 /

The issue is particularly troubling in Merced, which ranks third the state in the number of disconnected youth, or people ages 16-19 who are neither in school or employed. Nearly 12 percent of young people here fit into that category, at exactly the age when young people are desperate for a job or educational path forward.

‘Tour Against Trafficking’ Passes Through Merced

October 20, 2015 /

According to a 2012 report by California Attorney General Kamala Harris, ‘The State of Human Trafficking in California,’ from 2010 to 2012, 1, 277 victims of human trafficking were identified statewide. In the Central Valley, the Central Valley Justice Coalitions reported rescuing over 130 victims between 2009 and 2013.

From White Marble to Brown Dirt

October 16, 2015 /

Attending GWU is a privilege, but adapting to a campus life has been a challenge. Working in the nursery, while I was the only college student there, everyone I saw at least looked like me, or like they could be an uncle or even a grandparent. GWU couldn’t be more different. Students here come from all over the world. Nearly 10 percent are international, more than the total number of Latino students enrolled in the entire school. And as far as I know, I am the only student from the Central Valley.

Central Valley Youth Say Pope’s Message ‘Already Having an Impact’

September 25, 2015 /

California is also where many of the most pressing issues raised by the pontiff – from climate change to LGBTQ rights and immigration – remain at the fore of political debate. YouthWire asked its youth reporters to weigh in on some of the Pope’s positions on climate change, gay rights and immigration, and what his message might mean for their communities.

It Feels Like There’s Not Enough Oxygen In The Air

September 22, 2015 /

Even after the smoke is seemingly gone from the air, I am still not breathing well. My head still throbs and my inhaler does little for the pain. For the past few days it’s been like there’s not enough oxygen in the air. I feel like I'm walking around with a heavy cloth over my face preventing me from breathing.

With AB60, No More ‘Driving in Fear’

August 31, 2015 /

One day in my government class, as we were discussing various laws in the process of being passed in California, a classmate brought up AB60. This classmate questioned why undocumented immigrants should receive benefits that, according to him, they don’t deserve.

Local Art Group Beautifies Beachwood

August 17, 2015 /

The Ashby Flea Market had been a prime target for graffiti, often to the expense of the property owners. In an effort to curb the vandalism and property damage, Pastelles and organizers from the Meadowbrook Water Company decided the area would be a suitable location for a mural project. This serves the dual purpose of bringing art into the community while creating an atmosphere that would discourage additional unsanctioned graffiti.

I’ll Be a Gamer Forever

August 11, 2015 /

Why do I game? Growing up in a city where it feels like violence could be around every corner makes me hesitant about going outside, or even talking to neighbors. It also gets boring at home, and there aren’t many things to do around the neighborhood.

Letter To My Brother

August 11, 2015 /

I know I don't write very often, sometimes it's hard for me to come up with the words to say. I don't like asking how you've been or what you've been doing because those questions run up against the harsh reality that you've been in and out of prison most of our lives. I hope you know with certainty that I miss you all the time and you are so loved by our family.

Gloria Sandoval: Advocating For The Most Vulnerable

August 11, 2015 /

About 15 or 20 years ago, I participated in a Affordable Housing Task Force with the city of Merced. There were people there with real estate interests, with construction interests, and a couple of us were from the perspective of community involvement. It was sad that it was dissolved.