Teens and Stress

April 23, 2014 /

How do you see or feel stress affecting you?

I often get really bad headaches due to my stress level. I also can have a bad temper.

– Lisbeth, 17

Generally speaking, my stress does not affect others that much. Besides the check-ins during We’Ced meetings and talking with my girlfriend, I don’t really mention my anxiety to anyone. Some friends think I’m simply going to college and come home with no worries.

– Benny, 18

I find that stress affects me negatively in a few ways–my health and my ability to find motivation to do things is affected.

– Maria, 17

Me stressing doesn’t affect the people around me as much as it affects me. I am worried about my grades being good enough and I’m constantly worrying about how much money I am spending while I try to save up some money for college.

– Deborah, 17

I’m not sure how it affects me to be honest.

– Robert, 19

My stress affects me directly in my sleep and my energy levels. Most of the time I have too much on my plate and it causes me to sleep late and yet still wake up at five in the morning to attend school. I also have less energy and sometimes feel like throwing in the towel.

It affects the people around me because due to my lack of sleep, I become less communicative and can also become a little moody. Unintentionally, I can hurt those around me by losing my patience and raising my voice at them. I have also learned to cope with these “defects” by allowing myself enough sleep by getting things done on time, not procrastinating.

– Fernando, 17

I feel like it affects me and the people around me because I get really annoyed when I’m stressed and don’t like talking to people.

– Natalie, 17

What relaxes you?

What helps me relax are things like playing sports and working out but usually I never have time to do so. Listening to music is another thing that relaxes me and most of the time that is what keeps me from going crazy!

– Lisbeth, 17

Talking with my mom and girlfriend really helps me out. They seem to both have a great confidence in me. I think that I might not be able to cope to just anyone about my stress.

– Benny, 18

I relax when I have no task to accomplish and I can do activities I consider fun such as playing video games or tennis.

– Maria, 17

What really helps me relax is taking a few deep breaths, tackling the task at hand or phoning a friend. Stopping to take a deep breath really helps me focus, then I like to get the little things out of the way. That helps me worry less. Finally, talking out what is stressing me out with a friend who can relate helps me feel like I’m not alone. A friend can provide me with some advice that can help reduce my stress.

– Deborah, 17

What helps me relax is my girlfriend’s support and going to shows, just living in the now and having a good time.

– Robert, 19

What helps me relax is having time alone were I have the opportunity to relax and reflect on my day and the decisions that I have made. It also helps to put some relaxing, soft music which clears my mind of all my troubles. I think that the main cause for stress is caused by the negative energy that one can project, and in order to fix this problem we must think positively about things and not worry about things that are out of our hands. Focusing on things that are irrelevant to my problems helps me forget and relax.

It is important to have some quiet time or if that is not possible then have a good conversation with whoever is around you. Talk about all your problems and get things out of your system. It is essential that we let go of all that stress, and in order to do that sometimes we must speak with someone whom we trust with our problems and we know that we are going to receive positive feedback from them.

– Fernando, 17

Music relaxes me because I can get lost in the music and forget my problems for that brief five minutes until the song ends. It lets all my emotions flow out of me. Other things like playing pool, sleeping and hanging out with my older, more mature group of friends also helps me unwind.

– Natalie, 17

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