
Posts by We'Ced:

Building a Powerful Youth Council in Merced

May 23, 2016 /

The youth of Merced deserve and need opportunities to voice their opinions.

Staying Body Positive in Merced

May 11, 2016 /

Such behavior reinforces what we are bombarded with on streets and in stores everyday. Ads showing what both women and men “should aspire” to look like in order to be accepted and loved by others. These images of tall, thin, tan, women and chiseled men are photoshopped to false perfection and then shown to potential consumers who pay companies billions to try and look like what they see.

Helping Young People Learn to Grieve

May 5, 2016 /

I also thought that the minimal anticipatory grief I had allowed myself to experience, when he was battling cancer, was sufficient. ‘I should be done. These tears are helping no one,’ I thought. But I simply wasn’t “done” and squelching my tears only allowed the depression to surface in more sinister ways. I couldn’t fall asleep, I would spend days eating only sweets, and, most damaging of all, I felt utterly alone.

Bullying and How to get Through It

May 5, 2016 /

Most bullying begins with a name or some feature that other kids can tease you about. Sometimes the teasing starts out verbal and, when the bullies get bored with it step up the teasing by hurting you physically.

Coping with the Break Up of My Family

May 2, 2016 /

The day I found out they were having problems, my dad told me he was going to leave the house for a while. “I need to leave, to stay away for a while,” were his exact words. That day I couldn't stop crying.

Moms Say Dental Care Tops List for Medi-Cal Kids– Dentists Are MIA

April 27, 2016 /

According to the University of the Pacific’s Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, which operates the Virtual Dental Home pilot program, more than 30 percent of Californians are unable to meet their oral health needs through the traditional dental care system. Some 54 percent of Medi-Cal-enrolled children received no dental care in 2012 and even fewer received preventive care services.

Message to Merced City Council – My Voice Matters

April 27, 2016 /

As leaders of Merced, I held these men to higher standards and expected them to be more respectful towards the community they represent, especially because I am a future voter.

The Central Valley Is a Tough Place for Vegetarians

April 27, 2016 /

Meat is part of our local culture; it’s a part of everyday life. Some of my friends and lots of other people around here have grown up raising animals for meat. So learning how to express my thoughts on vegetarianism to friends while still respecting the way they grew up is challenging for me. I often draw on my own personal experience.

No Limits — Life as a Female Power Lifter

April 26, 2016 /

Mr. Haflich then asked me to join our school’s lifting club, ‘No Limit Lifting.’ I became the first and only female member. It was intimidating. But the guys on the team weren’t rude like I thought they would be. They were actually very welcoming and told me that they were glad a girl actually wanted to lift.

Community Orgs Unite to Host Second Annual Cesar Chavez March

April 18, 2016 /

According to a California Research Bureau study, the Central Valley has the highest proportion of laborers in the state. Many work long hours with little pay and no protection.