
Posts by We'Ced:

School Intervention Program Should Benefit All Students

August 31, 2015 /

Roughly 40 percent of students We’Ced surveyed said RtI was a helpful way to get work done, while 35 percent described it as a “waste of time.” A quarter of students surveyed said RtI was effective only for students already motivated to take advantage of it and when quality mentors or teachers are available.

My Mother’s Illness

August 31, 2015 /

Growing up, my mother wasn't like any other mom I’d see. When we would go to the park across the street from our house, she would automatically head towards the bench and sit. I would see other kids my age being chased by their mom or being helped across the monkey bars. My mom could only just stare from a distance while I played.

With AB60, No More ‘Driving in Fear’

August 31, 2015 /

One day in my government class, as we were discussing various laws in the process of being passed in California, a classmate brought up AB60. This classmate questioned why undocumented immigrants should receive benefits that, according to him, they don’t deserve.

Learning to Live With Anxiety

August 31, 2015 /

I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The doctor told me that taking an antidepressant would help me, but my mom felt I was too young and she worried about possible side effects.

At State Assembly Hearing, Barriers For Girls and Women of Color Discussed

August 27, 2015 /

Community leaders, professionals, experts, and women of all ages and ethnicities, convened last Thursday in San Jose for the first hearing of the California State Assembly’s Select Committee on the Status of Girls and Women of Color in California.

Local Art Group Beautifies Beachwood

August 17, 2015 /

The Ashby Flea Market had been a prime target for graffiti, often to the expense of the property owners. In an effort to curb the vandalism and property damage, Pastelles and organizers from the Meadowbrook Water Company decided the area would be a suitable location for a mural project. This serves the dual purpose of bringing art into the community while creating an atmosphere that would discourage additional unsanctioned graffiti.

I’ll Be a Gamer Forever

August 11, 2015 /

Why do I game? Growing up in a city where it feels like violence could be around every corner makes me hesitant about going outside, or even talking to neighbors. It also gets boring at home, and there aren’t many things to do around the neighborhood.

Letter To My Brother

August 11, 2015 /

I know I don't write very often, sometimes it's hard for me to come up with the words to say. I don't like asking how you've been or what you've been doing because those questions run up against the harsh reality that you've been in and out of prison most of our lives. I hope you know with certainty that I miss you all the time and you are so loved by our family.

Life In Merced as a Transgender Teen

August 11, 2015 /

I have the body of a man, but the persona, mind, and attitude of a woman. Like me, many other trans women don’t identify with their bodies and might dress like women in private in order to fulfill a need without being criticized by strangers. Many, like myself, may want to be called by a different name, or called by the opposite gender pronouns.

Staying a Family, After Deportation

August 11, 2015 /

When people find out that I don’t live with my parents they ask all kinds of questions: “Why are your parents in Mexico?” and “Why do you live with your uncle?”