On Saturday, Apr. 2, Merced Autonomous Brown Berets hosted a caravan march and a protest to support BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ farmers, street vendors, and essential workers who have been the most negatively impacted by COVID-19. Read More
We left crumbled governments only to experience what seems like downfall of yet another one, the difference is that we still have a chance to put a stop to the course.
Immigrants have greatly contributed to the success of this country since it was founded, and the majority of DACA recipients continue to do so. They've become a scapegoat to hate, just like many other minorities have become in the past. Do not let us be divided.
I was told this trip would be a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I never imagined it would make a huge impact on my life, allowing me find confidence in who I am and fueling me to become a champion for equal rights.
Above: Dozens of residents gathered in Winton earlier this year for one of several Know Your Rights events hosted by community groups and immigrant advocates throughout Merced County.Read More
What are we doing and why are we doing it? Those seem to be the questions that keep coming up as I try to differentiate my thoughts from a once thoughtless category of opinion. What opinions you ask? Well let’s start with the obvious narrative of politics and all its rich participants, oh sorry, I meant rich discussions.
My mom and her sisters grew stressed and depressed. They missed their dad a lot. We also began to struggle financially. We expected Grandpa to only be gone a year at the most, but it’s been almost seven years now. Since then, we’ve struggled to make enough money to send to support him and support ourselves.
But despite the difficulties, we continue to help him as much as we can, hoping to bring him back to us.
Since taking office, Trump dramatically expanded the definition of who can be prioritized for deportation. Immigration attorneys say that under the expanded definition, nearly any undocumented immigrant could be considered a target.
The first thing to understand, Ruch said, is what undocumented means.
“Visa overstayers, as well as people who came without a visa, are undocumented,” Ruch explained on a recent national press call organized by New America Media and Ready California.
Legal immigrants, especially those who have criminal issues or travel internationally, may want to check with an attorney to find out their options and risks, Ruch said.
The future is very dark for America thanks to Trump. In less than five days he has made 12 executive orders that will continue to have devastating effects on most of the country.