The more I learned English the less and less I could communicate with my parents. I was losing the ability to communicate with my parents. Even though we were living in Merced where there is a big presence of Mexican culture and people, I was losing the Mexican heritage in me.
Read the results of a recent survey by The California Endowment on how voters feel we can best prevent violence in our schools. Also, read what We'Ced has to say about the issue and the results of own We'Ced youth taking the survey!
“We shouldn’t be watching this, we’re going to get in trouble,” I pleaded. “Stop tripping, nothing is going to happen, I always do this,” he replied. I felt a little safer thinking I wasn’t going to get in trouble.
I often hear people saying negative things about pit bulls. They’re too aggressive. They’re born to fight. It’s not safe to have them around children. My first question to these people is, have you ever been around or owned a pit bull? The times I’ve actually been able to ask people this, most of them say no.
As my story shows, some people fight for silly reasons. School violence is not common, but it is a problem. Fights can occur at any time. They can also be prevented in many ways. Schools seem to have good measures to prevent violence, however, the ones who can really prevent violence are the ones who engage in it, the students them- selves.
Read New America Media's editorial on why Immigration Reform is crucial at this point in time. Also, check out what WE'CED's young people have to say about the issue.
Following the horrifying incident that took place in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday, the country has been in shock. Conversations around the cause of the incident, what could have been done to prevent it and where we go from here have been abound but very few of them have included the voice of young people.
Here at WE'CED, we discussed the incident and compiled our reactions as answers to three questions that seemed to keep coming up.
The common thread that emerged in their responses was clear: Race and identity in American politics still mean a great deal. And although enthusiasm for Obama’s performance as president varied by individual, nearly every young person said that a defeat would be a setback, both psychological and material, for young people of color.
The youth reporters found some intriguing trends, ones that didn’t always fit the stereotype of junk food-loving, soda-guzzling teenagers. Indeed, if there was one consistent theme, it was an endorsement for fresher food, tastier food, a better variety to choose from and larger portions.
Many will never realize the beauty of life until they take flight into the wrath of the world. There is no place better than the comfort of home. It is quite unusual for teenagers like me to understand the meaning and value of life and beauty but thanks to Adventure Risk Challenge, I have acquired the secret golden chords to happiness.